Where champions have breakfast
Begitulah Pete Thomas si pemilik blog http://cafesaxophone.com menyapa kita2 dengan ramah. Dan berikutnya Pete Thomas menguraikan tentang maksud & tujuannya membuat Cafe Saxophone sbb:
The original Breakfastroom forum started in 2006. The idea was that saxophone players, jazz musicians and media composers could get together and help each other, maybe have a good old heated debate - we all have a different point of view - and we can all learn something.
This has now evolved into CafeSaxophone, not just a forum but an enormously rich cornucopia of saxophone and jazz resources information, opinions, advice, discussion, chat and blogging.
And now you can help in another way, whether you are a saxophone pro, young beginner, late bloomer, featured artist, manufacturer or dealer, we would like to invite you to contribute to the CafeSaxophone as a champion.
You don’t need to be an expert, just have a love of the saxophone and saxophone players. Maybe you are a teacher with some unique or exciting method or a you could be a world class touring and recording artist. Maybe you are a beginner with some frustrating experiences and solutions to share. Or a hard working gigging pro. Maybe you are the CEO of a major saxophone manufacturing company or you run a local music shop. Or an online mail order company. You could be an unsung hero of saxophone repair or maybe you make or reface saxophone mouthpieces. You can get involved championing the saxophone!
Jadi kalau dulur berminat dan ingin tengok2 blognya, silahkan klik:
Gitu deh…
Kapan2 ya kita bikin cafe saxophone Indonesia. Bukan hanya blog, tapi cafe beneran, tempat dimana nanti kita2 bisa saling ketemu dan bermain bareng. Piye Jal?